'We're all in this together' - residents urged to be 'scrupulous' with waste to protect bin collectors from coronavirus

The council has asked residents to be mindful of bin crews' health.The council has asked residents to be mindful of bin crews' health.
The council has asked residents to be mindful of bin crews' health.
Some collection services have been suspended.

Edinburgh City Council has issued new guidance on how residents should deal with waste so as to protect bin crews from possible spread of coronavirus.

The advice applies to those who are self-isolating due to coronavirus symptoms, or live with someone who is doing so.

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‘Personal waste’ such as tissues and disposable cleaning cloths should be double-bagged, and then set aside for 72 hours before being put in the non-recyclable waste bin.

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Other waste can be disposed of as usual.

The council also advises residents to regularly clean surfaces like door handles, handrails, remote controls and table tops with regular cleaning products.

“These are extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances and inevitably there's already a strain on our ability to keep core services going at usual levels. We're doing our very best, though, and we're appealing to residents to bear with us as we adapt our resources to the fast-changing and increasingly challenging situation,” said Transport and Environment Convener Lesley Macinnes.

“If you or someone in your household is self isolating due to Coronavirus symptoms, please make sure you are scrupulous when putting out your waste so that our bin crews on the front line aren't needlessly exposed to the virus. We've got clear guidance on our website on what to do [LINK], and we'll keep our pages updated for residents to access the latest advice and service information.”

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It comes as kerbside glass collections have been suspended in order to free up collection crews for other duties.

Communal glass bins in flats and tenement areas will still be serviced, but other residents are asked to either store glass waste or take bottles and jars to Household Waste Recycling Centres.

In other measures to cope with the increase in self-isolation due to the virus, residents will be given special dispensation to park in pay and display spaces within their permit zones so people can get as near to their homes as possible.

Cllr Macinnes said: “We regret that we've had to suspend kerbside glass collections from next week onwards. If you don't have any space to store them temporarily then please help us out by taking any glass bottles or jars to one of our Household Waste Recycling Centres if you're able to, or offer to do the same for your neighbour. We are all in this together, so we'll get through it together.”

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Both Lothian Buses and Edinburgh Trams have announced they will be running reduced services because of the coronavirus.

“We fully support the actions Edinburgh Trams and Lothian Buses are taking given the hugely difficult circumstances we all find ourselves in and I welcome their commitment to providing vital public transport connections for residents who rely on their services,” added Cllr Macinnes.

You can visit Edinburgh City Council’s latest coronavirus updates HERE