Coronavirus in Scotland: New cases continue to surge as 2,622 new cases and 68 deaths reported today

Covid cases continue to reach record highs in Scotland ( Photo: Lisa Ferguson).Covid cases continue to reach record highs in Scotland ( Photo: Lisa Ferguson).
Covid cases continue to reach record highs in Scotland ( Photo: Lisa Ferguson).
Daily figures from the Scottish Government reveal that a total of 2,622 new cases, the highest recorded cases in a single day, and 68 deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.

This takes the total number of positive cases of coronavirus up to 127,453 in Scotland.

Sadly, there have been 68 new reported deaths of people who have tested positive for the virus recorded today.

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The total number of deaths of people have died who have tested positive for the virus to 4,578 people.

Out of the 28,295 new tests for covid that reported results – 10.1% of these were positive.

70 people are in intensive care and 1,174 people are in hospital with recently confirmed covid.

The news of the continued increase in covid cases across Scotland today comes as First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urges people to stay at home during Hogmanay and avoid first footings as New Year approaches.

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Responding to the figures released today, Ms Sturgeon said: “We have another sharp rise in cases today, which will add to NHS pressure in coming days.

"As predicted, the new strain seems to be speeding up transmission. Please stay at home as much as possible - including for the bells tonight - & avoid non-essential interaction with others.”

In her New Year message, Ms Sturgeon praised health and care workers and volunteers who helped for “most extraordinary dedication” during the coronavirus pandemic however, urged people to “stick with it” to prevent the further spread of the virus.

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