Coronavirus in Scotland: Edinburgh Leisure staff offer to take pay cut as gyms close

Gyms and pools are closedGyms and pools are closed
Gyms and pools are closed
Customers offer to keep up payments to help charity through crisis

SELFLESS staff at Edinburgh Leisure have offered to take a pay cut as the charity reels from coronavirus closures.

All gyms, pools and golf courses run by the operator were shut down last night (Thurs) until further notice.

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Kind-hearted customers, meanwhile, have offered to continue paying direct debits to help out.

“Some suggestions from staff members have included about everyone taking a percentage reduction in pay to help protect jobs and the sustainability of the business," said CEO June Peebles.

"As you can appreciate, it’s an extremely worrying time for everyone just now and every single business and industry is affected by this."

She added: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the ‘outpouring of love’ from customers and other stakeholders on social media and in direct feedback to me on the value and importance of the services that Edinburgh Leisure provides and also concern for our wonderful staff.

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"Many customers have been in touch and have said that they would like to continue paying their direct debit, which is incredibly generous but will help some way to ensure that when we do reopen again.

“We appreciate that not everyone will be in a position to do this but those that can, we greatly appreciate this support as it will help us to ensure we are in the best position possible to welcome our customers back when the situation improves. We will get through this together.”

Bosses are in crisis talks with Edinburgh City Council to bottom-out what support is available while staff will be paid this month.

Ms Peebles added: "Our priority is protecting jobs and ensuring that when we re-open we are in a position to pick up where we left off and provide the fantastic and much valued services to Edinburgh citizens.

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“Many people do not appreciate that Edinburgh Leisure is a charity. Every penny we receive from memberships, lets, events and funding are reinvested back into our venues and funds the services we provide – therefore shutting our venues and freezing customers’ memberships has huge consequences for us, our staff and also the health of Edinburgh.