Students Strike Against Climate Change: when and where is the Edinburgh protest taking place?

Thousands of UK schoolchildren took part in the strike against climate change last monthThousands of UK schoolchildren took part in the strike against climate change last month
Thousands of UK schoolchildren took part in the strike against climate change last month
Everything you need to know about the Students Strike Against Climate Change in Edinburgh.

Hundreds of Edinburgh schoolchildren and university students are to strike on Friday due to institutional inaction over climate change.

Over 1,000 students are expected to gather outside the Scottish Parliament as part of the Students Strike Against Climate Change

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The protest will come exactly one month after a country-wide student strike which saw thousands of school pupils swap their studies for street protests, attracting praise and criticism.

Why are the students protesting?

Students are demanding that the Scottish and UK government declare a climate emergency. This measure has already been taken by several Scottish councils including the City of Edinburgh council.

A declaration of such would results in the urgent implementation of measures to counteract catastrophic climate breakdown.

General organiser for the Edinburgh Climate Strike Finlay Lunn, 14, also highlighted that students were also demanding a pledge to reduce carbon emission to net zero by 2025 and a reformation of the national curriculum "to address the ecological crisis as an education priority" and

Is this the first student protest?

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This is the second protest of its type to take place in Edinburgh, the first of which took place on February 15.

The first strike ran concurrently with over fifty more strikes across the UK, according to Youth Strike 4 Climate. Hundreds of further strikes also took place across the rest of the world.

How have schools reacted?

Following the declaration of a climate emergency by the City of Edinburgh Council, schools have been encouraged to allow students to take part in the strike.

City of Edinburgh Council's vice-convener for education Alison Dickie, revealed that she was proud of the city's children for taking a stance.

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Speaking to the BBC she said: "I am utterly proud of our young people. There can be no more powerful learning experience than getting actively involved in real life global issues, such as action on climate breakdown.

"I'm proud too that we are choosing to celebrate, rather than stifle the positive energy of our young people, and it showcases the very caring and responsible citizens we are shaping across our schools."

How many children are taking part in the Edinburgh protest?

According to Lunn, between 600 and 1,200 students are expected to take part in the protest.

Where is the protest taking place?

The Edinburgh branch of the UK-protest is taking place outside the Scottish Parliament.

When is the protest taking place?

Students are gathering outside Holyrood from 9am to 2pm tomorrow.