‘Motorist Persecution’ - Edinburgh reacts to council’s Sunday parking charge rollout

A parking meter in 
George Street. Pic: Ian GeorgesonA parking meter in 
George Street. Pic: Ian Georgeson
A parking meter in George Street. Pic: Ian Georgeson

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Readers have been reacting with mixed views after business leaders warned that drivers could be ‘priced out’ of Edinburgh city centre as Sunday parking charges are rolled out.

The authority hopes to roll out the new Sunday charges from April – but has warned that legal processes could lead to delays of “up to 18 months.”

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Drivers could be ‘priced out’ of Edinburgh city centre as free Sunday parking to...

“Yet again Edinburgh residents are getting something else taken away from them. Yes there are buses but who wants to sit/stand on an overcrowded bus with shopping bags? Some people don’t like public transport as they may have social anxiety problems. And why would you take an hour bus journey stopping every few minutes over a 20-minute car journey taking you right to where you want to go?”

Regan Lockhart

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“Don’t tell me - they held a consultation and 100% of residents are in favour.”

Louise McNally

“How can we force more people to use our money-pit tram to stop it looking such an embarrassing failure? How about more motorist persecution? Ideal!”

Bob Leponge

“It’s all fine, the council don’t need the revenue from parking and business rates once they have killed off the city centre as a recent ‘reassuringly costly’ consultancy exercise has advised them on the ideal placement of a money-tree grove that will also cover the spiralling annual toy tram set deficit. High fives all round. Thank heavens none of our councillors need to rely on stuff like life experience to know how to make money.”

John Gailey

“One quick and easy way to recoup the predicted £372,000 parking revenue shortfall is to fine cyclists £10 a time for cycling on the pavement. But of course, Spokes won’t ever allow the council to do that.”

Lucien Romano

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“Or fine motorists £1,000 a time for speeding, £500 a time for jumping the lights, £300 for using a bus lane and £500 for parking on the pavement.”

Henry Campbell Gillan

“Goodbye Edinburgh, it was nice knowing you.... This farce of a council are doing everything they can to ruin this great city. They demonise motorists but at the same time are quite happy to take the revenue from parking charges and parking tickets - hypocrites. Vote at the next council elections!”

Ali Sinclair

“Edinburgh has one of the cheapest and most reliable bus services in the whole country. The only people I feel sorry for are residents; who are already penalised with extortionate fees for permits, which will also no doubt increase”

Mhairi Wilson-McKenzie

“What about the self-employed? Either lose nearly a fiver an hour or pass price on to customer and possible jobs.”

Kyle Arnold

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“In what discussions do the council garner the opinions of the Edinburgh locals? This will only have a catastrophic effect on businesses and cafes, driving people out of the centre.”

Naz Kadir

“In Liverpool I paid £5 for 4 hours parking. In Edinburgh the equivalent is £18.40. Rip off Edinburgh - no wonder nobody trusts the council.”

Neil Hazlett

But several other readers say the business impact has been exaggerated and that more people should be using public transport instead.

“So, I guess Saturdays must be awful for traders then? What utter drivel. Get the bus/tram or cycle.”

Graeme Hart

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“Dead easy - use the bus as Edinburgh has one of the best bus companies in the UK in terms of good value, great service levels and a modern bus fleet. We wouldn’t even think about driving into the city centre.”

Derek Patterson

“Quite right and long overdue.”

Paul Burgess

“Why on earth would the majority of drivers be priced out when a single on the bus costs £1.70?

Bill Grainger-Simpson

“I’ve no problem with the bus, but I’m more likely to just use Amazon in this event.

Mark Coley

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