Kilted Scots wanted for Canadian window cleaning company

A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.
A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.
A window cleaning company in Canada that dresses its staff in kilts is seeking Scots to join the firm.

Men in Kilts is hiring in Calgary, Alberta, with the firm offering a free one-way flight from Scotland to the lucky candidate.

The company, who says its mission is “to bring smiles to the world, one kilt at a time” - says recruits can expect to earn up to $55,000 (around £30,500) in the first year.

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A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.
A Men in Kilts employee shows off his uniform. PIC: Men in Kilts.

Applicants must be “excited” to wear a kilt to work everyday and have a two-year work permit to stand a chance of getting a job.

The company offers year-round employment with snow clearing jobs available in the winter.

Men In Kilts said: “We offer long term, year-round employment, as we do snow removal in the winter months.

“Within this organisation, fun factor meets inspiration, as you work alongside a team of kilted technicians.”

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