Revealed: All-star line-up for Edinburgh Comic Con

Amanda Jack from Edinburgh with Mark McCartney from Glasgow at last year's Edinburgh Comic ConAmanda Jack from Edinburgh with Mark McCartney from Glasgow at last year's Edinburgh Comic Con
Amanda Jack from Edinburgh with Mark McCartney from Glasgow at last year's Edinburgh Comic Con
IT'S one of Edinburgh's most colourful exhibitions.

A chance to let the inner “geek” out, dress up as your favourite sc-fi character, and mingle with other off-worlders.

So mortals, brace yourselves. The fifth Edinburgh Comic Con is just around the 

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Organisers last night released the line-up for the event which will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre in Morrison Street on April 14 and 15.

And they revealed they have already received some big name backing in a year that also saw Edinburgh feature in the latest Avengers movie.

Briana Venskus, star of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Supergirl, Walking Dead, Outcast, when asked if she would like to attend the event, replied: “Yeah, it’s where all the cool kids are.”

Stefan Kapicic, Colossus in the Deadpool movie, told them: “I would love to visit the city and your con”.

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While Deadpool co-creator Fabian Nicieza revealed: “I have heard so many good things about your show and the city”.

Organiser James Lundy, who runs the event, told the Evening News: “It’s our fifth year and not only do we have a spectacular line-up with our usual UK exclusives, but also a number of new attractions.

“Among the new attractions for 2018 will be our free comic workshops held by a range of industry professionals.

“Given the latest Avengers movie will be partially set in Edinburgh, I’m particularly proud that we have built such a spectacular event in our beautiful city.”

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“I’m especially looking forward to our 2018 Cosplay Championship, which attracts the best entrants on an international basis.”

Thousands of fans turn out for the event each time, and it raises significant amounts for charity, this year including the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.

Others in the past have included Barnardo’s, Make A Wish, Midlothian Food Bank and Cash4Kids.

Among the VIP guests are Gary Erskine, star of Frontlines: Requiem, The Unwritten, The Authority, Star Wars, and The Massive; Andrea Tamme who is in Rick and Morty and Adventure Time.

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Robbi Rodriguez, the co-creator of Spider Gwen, FPB, Maintenance, Uncanny X-Force, New Mutants and Gainluca Gugliotta of Secret Warriors, Klaws of the Panther, Mister Terrific and G.I. Joe.

Guests are encouraged to take photographs with props, with what they say will be a range of other free activities, with donations for the charity collection encouraged.

The annual cosplay championships will have a grand prize of £500, with entrants travelling from all over the world to showcase their costumes, while being judged by our own home grown professional cosplayers from Scotland.

Other attractions will include a Lego exhibition, photo booth, costuming groups, wrestling displays, gaming area, free to play arcade, nerf range, comic con cinema, panels and cosplay, to name but a few.

Tickets are available online via

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