Fraser on Fishing: There's a warm Glow in Fife

Stuart Fraser with a 3lb rainbow taken on a diawl Bach at Loch GlowStuart Fraser with a 3lb rainbow taken on a diawl Bach at Loch Glow
Stuart Fraser with a 3lb rainbow taken on a diawl Bach at Loch Glow
Having only recently heard of Loch Glow I was curious to find out more. It is situated near Kelty in Fife and, after receiving detailed directions, I was surprised to see such a large loch.

It is situated near Kelty in Fife. It is 105 acres, stocked twice weekly and was well 
attended when I arrived.

My boat partner was using a Fab and Kate McLaren whilst I went with Gold arsed cat on the point and two diawl Bachs.

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It was not until we reached the far end of the loch at the broken fence that comes down into the water that we had any interest from the fish. And it was by accident when reversing the boat out that I received a proper arm-wrenching pull.

So setting the boat on another drift on to the fence I sped up my retrieve and, would you believe it, I hooked my first fish. It was not big by the Glow standards but at two pounds it was a taker.

It is terrific value for money at five fish for £12 for a whole day – amazing value.

We took another drift and we had a double hook. Although I landed mine at three pounds my boat partner lost their’s.

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After taking a break the loch came alive near the jetty and fish were moving everywhere. They would only take a daddy fished static off the surface. It took us an hour to figure it out before we both took another two each before retiring.

It is a lovely big water and yes I would go back.

• Fraser on Fishing is sponsored by 7 Plus 7 Construction Ltd. For more info, go to

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