Hibs 21st century XI - The best right-back revealed

David Gray. Who else? Picture: SNSDavid Gray. Who else? Picture: SNS
David Gray. Who else? Picture: SNS
It could only be one man.
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Hibs 21st century XI - The best goalkeeper revealed

Let's face it, if it was the only thing David Gray did for Hibs, the only time he had touched the ball he would still have stormed to the title of best Hibs right-back of the 21st century.

There is a reason the 31-year-old received a mammoth 86 per cent of the vote.

David Gray. Who else? Picture: SNSDavid Gray. Who else? Picture: SNS
David Gray. Who else? Picture: SNS

21 May, 2016. Nothing else really needs to be said but...

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He rose to meet a Liam Henderson corner, sending the ball past Wes Foderingham in the Rangers goal.

Ninety-two minutes on the clock, one half of Hampden went bonkers, bananas, berserk, Gray veered off to the side probably not realising, due to the adrenaline, the moment, that he had not just made Hibs history but he had changed the momentum of the club.

With one header the Easter Road side were no longer the team who found new, more creative, and let's face it - if you aren't a Hibs fan - downright funny ways of losing, of messing up.

Gray changed that, ending 114-years of hurt, disappointment and embarrassment and starting one of the biggest parties Leith has ever witnessed.

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It would be remiss to only talk about the moment which led to the former Hearts and Manchester United youngster being anointed Sir David Gray.

He has played more than 160 times for the club. If it wasn't for injuries that number would have reached 200.

When he has played he has been a consistent figure, reliable and a leader. His presence was seen at the start of the campaign just past. Hibs weren't the same team without him.

With him, they are a better version of themselves.