'In the next round in that weather is all that matters' - Hearts fans react to victory over Falkirk

A drenched Daniel Stendel savours his team's hardfought victory.A drenched Daniel Stendel savours his team's hardfought victory.
A drenched Daniel Stendel savours his team's hardfought victory.
Clare and Smith take the plaudits as Jambos acknowledge their team was 'lucky' to progress to quarter-finals

Here are a selection of tweets from Hearts fans after their side's hardfought victory at windswept Falkirk Stadium.

@JugumServa: "We had a bit of luck tonight but you know what we deserve it. Nothing has gone our way this season so I will take it."

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@perthtopaisley: "Happy with the result but not the performance by any manner of means."

@_Hertz_1874: "In the next round in that weather is all that matters, not caring how we got there and who deserved to be there. And Michael Smith outstanding as usual."

@theitalianjambo: "A hard-fought away win, on Saturday night, in baltic conditions under torrential rain, with a clean sheet (although Falkirk hit the woodwork three times), with chances to go 2-nil? I'll take that. All the way."

@TheStendelEra: "Let’s be honest, far from a classic but we’re through. Fair play to Sean Clare for yer another match winning performance, confidently dispatched penalty too. Into the quarters we go!"

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@Solid_Mouse: "Take aways from Falkirk vs Hearts: Sean Clare keeps getting better. Clevid needs game time. We had luck on our side. Falkirk’s final ball is worse than Jake Mulraney."

@cowanauskas: "That wasn't pretty but we got the job done. We looked a better team when we went to a flat back 4."

@RodMorrison19: "Wow that was nail biting stuff I have to say when we went to a 4 at the back with Smith on the right we looked better at the back though Smithy was great anywhere."

@davethehatman: "Exactly what we need to do in both the league and cup is battle for wins. Good win tonight although a few let offs but we now concentrate on league for a few weeks."

@HeartsThough: "Andy Irving reminds me of Neil from the inbetweeners - literally all I got from that game of football other than hypothermia."