Pupil struck by ceiling tile at Oxgangs Primary

Oxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPLOxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPL
Oxgangs Primary School. Picture: TSPL
A PUPIL was struck by a ceiling tile which fell off during an after-school club at a city primary.

It happened at Oxgangs Primary School, where the collapse of an external wall in 2016 sparking safety fears which led to the temporary closure of 17 schools across the Capital.

The child was not injured, but contractors Amey, who are responsible for maintenance of the PFI-built school, are checking other ceilings at the school.

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The tile fell from a suspended ceiling in a “general purpose” room.

A memo sent to councillors from an official last night said: “Unfortunately I need to inform you that an incident took place late this afternoon at Oxgangs PS. A ceiling tile dropped from a suspended ceiling striking a pupil attending the After School club.

“The child was unharmed and their parent was made aware of the incident. Amey, the PPP1 provider, is investigating and checking the ceilings.”

Oxgangs councillor Jason Rust said: “This is a really concerning incident and I am pleased there was no harm to the child. Given the recent history in particular this has obviously been very worrying and I trust there will be a full review.”

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The council said it would carry out its own investigation into the incident, but Oxgangs Primary was open as usual today.

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