Teen terror smashes nightclub door using beer keg

Three kegs of beer. Pic: Neil HannaThree kegs of beer. Pic: Neil Hanna
Three kegs of beer. Pic: Neil Hanna
A teenage terror tried to smash his way into a nightclub with a beer keg after he was refused admission.

Liam McBurnie had earlier had the door shut in his face by security staff after he prodded one of them on the face and body.

Despite being too drunk to gain admission, he tried again and again to get into the club to join his pals.

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Eventually he went to a side door and used the metal beer keg as a battering ram, splintering the doorframe and breaking the hinges, Livingston Sheriff Court heard.

McBurnie, 19, from Uphall, West Lothian, pled guilty on indictment to causing a disturbance at The Club in Greendykes Road, Broxburn on June 15.

He admitted banging on windows, refusing to leave, repeatedly banging on a door and brandishing two chair legs during a confrontation with door steward Matthew Akinlami.

When cops arrived in response to a call from the club’s owner, McBurnie ran away but was caught after a short chase.

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Andy Aitken, defending, said: “He accepts door staff were simply doing their job properly.

“It’s disappointing, particularly in the light of previous convictions, that this is yet another instance of appalling behaviour while under the influence of alcohol.”

Sheriff Peter Hammond sentenced McBurnie to six months detention and ordered that he be recalled on licence to serve the eight month balance of an earlier prison sentence.