Some confidence for Cammy that he can see out full term as leader - Steve Cardownie

City of Edinburgh Council leader Cammy DayCity of Edinburgh Council leader Cammy Day
City of Edinburgh Council leader Cammy Day
Councillor Cammy Day can look forward with some confidence to seeing out a full council term as Leader of the administration as another City of Edinburgh Council budget was approved last Thursday.

There was never any chance that his position was under threat, whatever the outcome, but leaders are partly assessed by their ability to negotiate with other political groups to get a budget passed as painlessly as possible.

Having failed miserably to do so in 2023, it looks like Cammy has recognised the shortcomings of last year’s process and was determined not to repeat past mistakes. At least that is what it looks like from the outside, but it could also mean that the other groups were reluctant to play hardball and, for a few concessions, were prepared to fall in line.

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The Tory Group saw £892,000 diverted to their “Scrub our Streets” initiative and a further £240,000 was provided to restore the numbers 69 and 20 bus services to Willowbrae/Lady Nairn and Dumbiedykes.

For their part, the Lib Dems achieved a £2 million increase in devolved school management budgets, ensuring that every primary and secondary school would feel the benefit as well as securing an additional £300,000 for the potential retention of bus services for Ratho, Kirkliston and South Queensferry.

The setting aside of £12.5 million for roads, pavements, streetscapes, and lighting was also a shrewd move that would generate cross party support and help smooth the way for a majority vote for the budget.

Without oversimplifying matters that seems to be the main points that required some negotiating and Cammy would have been at the helm. All told it looks like he will be patting himself on the back – at least until the next hurdle looms large.

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