Homelessness in UK hits record-high, charity warn

homeless person on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Picture:Lisa FergusonA 
homeless person on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Picture:Lisa Ferguson
A homeless person on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. Picture:Lisa Ferguson
Homelessness has reached a record-high with more than 170,000 families and individuals experiencing destitution in an increase caused by a doubling of those sleeping rough or in tents, cars and public transport, a study suggests.

The scale of homelessness was 13% higher last year compared to 2012, with an increase seen every year in between, according to the research published on Sunday by charity Crisis.

The majority are sofa-surfing or living in hostels, but 12,300 were sleeping rough, nearly 12,000 in vehicles and tents and almost 21,000 in “unsuitable” temporary accommodation, the study said.

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Over five years in Great Britain, these types of precarious living are believed to have increased by around 100%.

The report estimates 170,800 households - a lone person or a group living at the same address such as a squat - are experiencing the most dire forms of homelessness compared to 151,600 in 2012.

Crisis’s chief executive Jon Sparkes said: “Christmas can be an incredibly difficult time for people who are homeless. While others are celebrating with family and friends, homeless people face a daily struggle just to stay safe and warm.

“While rough sleeping is the most visible form of homelessness, for every person on our streets there are another 12 families or individuals experiencing other terrible situations like sofa-surfing and living in cramped B&Bs.”