Possible refunds at Midlothian leisure centre used for Covid jabs

Gorebridge Leisure Centre.Gorebridge Leisure Centre.
Gorebridge Leisure Centre.
People who have missed out on exercise classes because their leisure centre has been used as a Covid vaccination hub could receive a refund, Midlothian councillors have been told.

Health chiefs said that partial refunds are being considered as they look at ways to continue vaccine programmes.

Gorebridge Leisure Centre, which was taken over as an NHS mass vaccination hub in March is expected to continue in that role until next year as it is used to deliver booster jabs.

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But councillors raised concern about the impact on people who relied on the local facilities for fitness classes.

Morag Barrow, from Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership told a virtual meeting of the council’s performance review committee that work was being done to find alternative sites.

She said an agreement had been made to continue using Gorebridge Leisure Centre up to March next year.

She said: “I appreciate it is difficult for people trying to get back to their lives.

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“It is not ideal and we will be looking at different premises. There was not one that came up in the timescale given to deliver the booster programme.”

Councillor Dianne Alexander asked if people who normally attend classes at Gorebridge would receive a refund and was told that was one area which was being looked into.

People who use Newbattle and Lasswade centres, where hours of classes have been restricted by Covid regulations because they share a school campus, will also be considered for partial reimbursement.

The committee heard Newtongrange Leisure Centre has been used to accommodate Midlothian residents with pre-existing health conditions who access the Midlothian Active Choices (MAC) and Ageing Well programmes to provide safe, specific support to that vulnerable client group.

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And Sport and Leisure Services has supported the health and social care partnership in delivering flu vaccination clinics and its diabetes prevention programme.

Midlothian Council offers a concession leisure pass to local residents for £133 a year.

Individual gym membership for its seven Tone Zones range from between £312 and £483 annually.

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