Melville team reaches national standard

Melville Housing Association's John Scott (left) and Andrew Collinge (right).Melville Housing Association's John Scott (left) and Andrew Collinge (right).
Melville Housing Association's John Scott (left) and Andrew Collinge (right).
Dalkeith-based Melville Housing is the first social landlord in central Scotland to achieve the Scottish National Standard for Information and Advice Providers for a fourth time.

First awarded to Melville in 2009, the National Standard was this year achieved by Melville’s new team of Andrew Collinge and John Scott following the retirement of long-standing adviser Jacquie Mather.

Melville chief executive John McMorrow said: “In what has been a tough year for many of our customers, demands on the service have been exceptional, but Andrew and John have delivered while also doing the additional work needed to demonstrate they meets the Standard’s stringent requirements.”

He added: "We’re delighted that the Scottish Government continues to recognise this through Scottish National Standard accreditation.”