Edinburgh Zoo calls for artists to decorate giraffes for sculpture trail across the city

Artist Carolina Haraki paints a giraffe.Artist Carolina Haraki paints a giraffe.
Artist Carolina Haraki paints a giraffe.
Edinburgh Zoo is calling for artist submissions for its Giraffe About Town sculpture trail, which is set to hit the streets of the Capital in summer 2022.

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In partnership with Wild in Art, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) will display a herd of 40 eight-foot-tall giraffe models across the city to help post-Covid recovery and raise much needed funds for the wildlife conservation charity.

Each sculpture will be designed and decorated by artists and communities to create the large-scale public art event, which will celebrate Edinburgh’s extraordinary heritage and cultural diversity.

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David Field, Chief Executive at RZSS said: “We need artists that will go head and shoulders above the rest to help celebrate Edinburgh’s remarkable history and its people, while supporting wildlife conservation.

“Our incredible herd of sculptures will be displayed for two months next summer in locations across the capital, highlighting iconic spots and hidden gems and engaging with communities from Edinburgh Airport to Leith.

“From fine art, graffiti and mosaic, we’re encouraging artists from all backgrounds to submit their designs which will help people to get out and about and fall back in love with our capital again.”

Once submitted, design ideas will be presented to sponsors and successful artists are commissioned to apply their designs to the sculptures. Current presenting partner Glenmorangie and first sculpture sponsor John Lewis have recently been announced.

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The first painted giraffe, fondly named Flora, has already been spotted in iconic spots around the city.

Carolina Haraki, the artist behind Flora said: “It has been really exciting to be involved in Giraffe About Town. The trail is a great way to get artists together and celebrate diversity.

“I also wanted to bring a splash of colour to the city, creating a different narrative to the familiar streets of Edinburgh while supporting the good work of RZSS worldwide.”

Charlie Langhorne, Managing Director and Co-founder of Wild in Art said, “We’re excited to be working with RZSS to bring big, beautiful giraffes to Edinburgh.

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“This is a fantastic opportunity for artists to add to their own portfolio and support wildlife conservation around the world while creating public art displays with a wild blank canvas.”

Artists should visit giraffeabouttown.org.uk/artists/ to complete the submission form. Designs must be submitted by 30 November 2021.

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