Penicuik walking group celebrates first birthday

Members of Connect @Penicuik Estate, the dementia friendly walking groupMembers of Connect @Penicuik Estate, the dementia friendly walking group
Members of Connect @Penicuik Estate, the dementia friendly walking group
Volunteer Midlothian and Penicuik Estate Ranger Service have teamed up to create a dementia friendly walking group for keen walkers in the Midlothian area.

In its first year, the group has undertaken many different walks on Penicuik Estate as well as other locations including Roslin Glen. The aim of the group is to provide an opportunity for walkers to meet together weekly for an afternoons social walking led by Volunteer Diane Thompson and Penicuik Estate Ranger Service.

Members of the group come from all over Midlothian and enjoy meeting up in all weathers.

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Alastair Wright, a member with Connect @Penicuik Estate walking group, said: “I’m thoroughly enjoying it as it’s getting me out of the house, giving me some exercise and fresh air.”

Other walkers Sandra and Jim Brown agreed: “It’s good company and we like seeing bits of the estate we haven’t seen before.”

New members and volunteer leaders are always welcome – for more information please contact Mags Bryan at Volunteer Midlothian on 0131 660 1216.

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