Evening News readers respond to Edinburgh World Heritage’s demand the Christmas market in Princes Street Gardens be scaled back

Building site of Edinburgh Christmas market, Princes street gardens EastBuilding site of Edinburgh Christmas market, Princes street gardens East
Building site of Edinburgh Christmas market, Princes street gardens East
Our report that the body charged with protecting Edinburgh’s World Heritage site has demanded the city’s controversial Christmas market be scaled back prompted a massive response from readers. Here are just some of the views you shared with us.

The Gardens at Christmas used to be amazing. I made it a tradition to take my kids round the Christmas-themed stalls and have hot chocolate and the likes before it got bigger than it needed to be and far too expensive for families. Not to mention the safety issues that have arisen recently. I understand it brings in tourist revenue and by all means tourists should be welcomed but the greedy council/organisers have forgotten the people who live here and ruined it for residents of Edinburgh.

Kimberley Turner Herkes

Since the council find it convenient to close off parts of George Street during the festival, why not do the same at Xmas and have the market in George Street? Solid surface. Easy to erect the huts. Minimal prep time. Gardens left intact.

Crowds pack into the Christmas market last yearCrowds pack into the Christmas market last year
Crowds pack into the Christmas market last year

Ken Johnston

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Edinburgh Council to investigate moving Christmas market out of Princes Street G...

Why don’t they just move the whole market to the Meadows, rather than squeezing into a tiny space like the Gardens? It has vast amounts of flat, empty land that would be ideal for this type of thing, it’s not difficult to get to, would be a big boost to the local businesses, and it would help ease the festive congestion in the city centre! Underbelly probably wouldn’t like it, though, and the council don’t have the cojones to put their foot down. They still don’t have planning permission for this year! Shambles.

Kyle Davidson

About time. It’s got out of control over recent years. It’s designed to attract tourists - the locals are priced and squeezed out. Scale it down please.

Lorraine Evans

Absolutely nothing against the Christmas market, same with the events put on to accommodate the crowds at the festival. But as locals we are always told by the council that part of the money generated from these events will be reinvested into our city and our services. And yet I don’t see any new schools, affordable housing or better roads on the horizon, and my council tax only ever goes up.

Stuart Wilson

They could build a fab market and ice rink on the Meadows. Flat, easier to erect stalls on and to replace the grass...simples.

Lesley Cooper Paul

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Apparently it’s too late for this year’s market! Not really. Shut the site. It does not have planning permission.

Michelle Dawson

The Christmas market, when it first started, was very good. It has now got out of control...far too big.

Betty Stott

Thank god. Put it in a city that likes cheap, nasty and tacky things. Give us back quality, not quantity.

Catherine A Mcinally

The Christmas market in Princes Street Gardens has got totally out of hand. It does not bring any real benefit to the Princes Street shops. It destroys the grass and ambience. The only real benefit is for tourists whose money goes into the hands of non-local traders and the overpriced goods are out of the price range many families can afford. The council gets some revenue but does it even cover the cost of the disruption and repairs required after they have gone? Edinburgh is being turned into a Disney like attraction that does nothing to showcase or enhance the beauty of the city.

Irene Bell

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Scaling back? It’s not too late to shut it down altogether. If it does go ahead, I hope every chancer who fancies making a compensation claim falls off the platform and sues Underbelly, until they get the message that planning regulations/health and safety apply to everyone, even them.

Lucien Romano

Don’t understand why they trashed the Gardens when they could have put it right along George Street or right along Regent Road. Edinburgh clowncil at its best again.

Margaret Robertson

Was nice when it first started – now it’s awful. Same stalls high prices, far too busy to enjoy it.

Morna Gordon

I’m just gutted there is no outdoor ice rink this year.

Jen Davies

Just read the article about Princes Street Gardens and someone should tell these Underbelly Londoners that it’s not called ‘the valley’, as they kept calling it.

June Stevenson

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I love how the council have tried to dodge responsibility for the fact it’s larger than previous years. They said it might change – no planning permission and no one thought to ask what those changes might be?

Kirstie Ogilvie

If it’s not in the city centre, there’s no point having it.

Audrey Whitehead

Every major tourist city on the planet is witnessing increasing numbers of visitors, a rise in Airbnb accommodation – which reduces housing and increases rent. All the while the profits leave the city. It’s happening in Barcelona, Venice, Edinburgh and every other tourist hotspot. People living in these cities are rightly frustrated at a situation that is only getting worse year on year. It’s not sustainable.

Stuart Kerr

You’d think the 900k-plus visitors that do go each year, might just outweigh the 70-odd moaners. Jeez, just don’t go if you hate it.

David Hunter