Hopeful of progress with deal-maker Kate - Kevin Lang

The Grand National 2023 at Aintree. Kevin Lang is sticking to political wagers from now on.The Grand National 2023 at Aintree. Kevin Lang is sticking to political wagers from now on.
The Grand National 2023 at Aintree. Kevin Lang is sticking to political wagers from now on.
So, how did you do on the Grand National over the weekend? Well done if you cashed out big. For me, it was yet more proof that I should forget sports betting and stick to political wagers.

Following Adam McVey’s decision to quit as leader of the SNP council group, we have quite the race to tempt those who like a flutter. Although, calling it a “race” may be stretching the definition. I know everyone loves a dramatic photo finish but this contest was over before the gun even fired with Councillor Kate Campbell the overwhelming favourite to win. If the bookies had a market, they’d already be paying out.

So, what can we expect from this coming change at the top? Well, don’t let Councillor Campbell’s partisan rhetoric in the media or in the council chamber fool you, she’s a dealmaker, a bridge builder. I saw it first-hand in the last council term when she was housing convener and where I saw her make real efforts to engage, listen and understand the views of other parties’ councillors. Indeed, when other SNP conveners couldn’t stomach the idea of even speaking with their Conservative counterparts, Kate was always the one happy to reach out and compromise.

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When City of Edinburgh Council is the most politically fragmented in its history, when the largest political group has less than a third of the seats available, there is a real need for parties to communicate and work together. We won’t always agree but, given the arithmetic, you can’t get anything done on your own.

I’ve written before about how, even two years on from the council election, some SNP councillors couldn’t get over not being in charge here in Edinburgh. I realise that wasn’t an easy transition, especially when their SNP colleagues are still in control of Dundee, Glasgow, and Aberdeen.

My hope is that, with Kate Campell at the helm, we’ll now see a more constructive approach. Time will tell if the SNP group really is over the hurdle of losing out two years ago or, as with that infamous Grand National of 30 years ago, it’s just one big false start.

Kevin Lang is leader of the Liberal Democrats on City of Edinburgh Council