Teenagers raid Midlothian café and steal cash from till

Police are investigating a break-in at a cafePolice are investigating a break-in at a cafe
Police are investigating a break-in at a cafe
THIEVES forced their way into a café before helping themselves to money from the till.

Police are appealing for information after the break-in at the Sheriffhall Café on Old Dalkeith Road in Danderhall.

At around 4.45am on Wednesday, three teenagers forced entry to the property and stole the till that contained a three-figure sum of cash.

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The suspects are described as being in their mid to late teens who were wearing grey tracksuits with the hoods up and black gloves. One suspect was wearing a black puffa jacket with a symbol on it.

Detective Constable James Welsh from Dalkeith Police Station, said: “The theft of the money from the till will undoubtedly impact upon this small café and we are pursuing various lines of inquiry to trace the males responsible.

“If you remember seeing anything suspicious around the property during the early hours of Wednesday morning, or if you can help us identify the suspects, then please contact police immediately.”