Portobello Beach: Extra police patrols to tackle youths running wild

Police patrols are being stepped up at Portobello BeachPolice patrols are being stepped up at Portobello Beach
Police patrols are being stepped up at Portobello Beach
Police are stepping up patrols on Portobello Beach after “a number of incidents of antisocial behaviour”.

The crackdown comes as sunseekers flock to the seafront as the mercury soars.

Inspector Dale Ketchen said: “Following a number of incidents of antisocial behaviour involving groups of youths in Portobello on Saturday, officers will be carrying out focussed patrols in the area to disrupt those who are intent on causing trouble.

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“Portobello Beach is very popular when the sun is out, but it’s unfortunate that the behaviour of a small minority ruin it for visitors as well as local businesses and residents.

“You’ll see more of us out and about and I ask that if you see any criminality in the area, help us hold offenders to account by calling 101, or 999 in an emergency.”