Some of the buildings and projects that will change Edinburgh's cultural landscape in the coming years.Some of the buildings and projects that will change Edinburgh's cultural landscape in the coming years.
Some of the buildings and projects that will change Edinburgh's cultural landscape in the coming years.

13 ambitious and bold Edinburgh developments that will transform the city's cultural landscape in the coming years

Edinburgh has always punched above its weight culturally and the city is set to get some incredible new buildings to help it continue to do so.

From the Hogmanay celebrations to the many festivals held over the summer months, Edinburgh’s cultural events attract hundreds of thousands of visitors to the Capital every year, adding millions of pounds to the city’s coffers.

While this year’s cultural calendar is still very much at threat from the pandemic a range of buildings are in the pipeline to ensure Edinburgh continues to be a cultural Mecca in a post-covid world.

Here we take a look at 13 of them, as featured on development website