What did Jamie from Love Island get up to last night?

This is what Jamie got up to in the villa last night (Photo: ITV)This is what Jamie got up to in the villa last night (Photo: ITV)
This is what Jamie got up to in the villa last night (Photo: ITV)
While Jamie ruffled some feathers in his first full-length episode debut on 12 February, last night's instalment (13 February) didn’t feature much of the Edinburgh contestant.

It was however a dramatic episode - this is what the Edinburgh islander got up to.

Getting flirty

When Jamie eventually made it to the screen amid the Demi, Shaughna and Luke M drama, he was having a chat with Natalia.

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Jamie asked if Natalia dyed her hair, and what her natural hair colour actually is. They had a laugh about some hairstyling mishaps after Natalia said she had previously tried to give herself highlights.

Jamie said: “I can top that, the only reason that I’m laughing is cause I had a ginger mullet when I was younger.”

Natalia was horrified, exclaiming: “Your mother let you have a mullet?”

Talking to the camera, Natalia said: “Yeah me and Jamie, we’ve had a few chats yesterday and today, and yeah, he’s grown on me to be fair, like I feel like I do like him and I just want to see where it goes, I want to chat to him a little bit more.”

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Jamie, now talking to camera, said: “I’m really enjoying my time with Natalia, she’s obviously a beautiful looking girl, really enjoying spending time with her, but I’ve still got Demi to think about too. She’s obviously a lovely girl, I get on with her really, really well, she’s got her head screwed on, so I’m still definitely looking to explore that.”

Chatting to Demi

Jamie was next seen having a chat with Demi, talking about how tanned they both are.

“I’m the only ginger in the world to tan and that’s a fact,” Demi said, “But it’s going crispy.”

This prompted Jamie to compare her to a cornflake, which got a big laugh from Demi.

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They discussed how Jamie slept on the upstairs couch and how uncomfortable it was, and how Demi had spent most of her nights alone despite having been in the villa for three weeks.

It was at this point that Finley got a text, stating: “Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. The boys will choose who they want to couple up with and the girl not picked to be in a couple will be dumped from the island. #crunchtime #gonegirl”


The announcement of the recoupling had many of the girls shaken up.

When asked about the recoupling, Jamie said: “It’s gonna be one of these just making a decision pretty much at the time.”

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After the girls and boys had finished getting ready, Shaughna and Jamie had a chat about the recoupling.

Taking a seat, Shaughna said: “So I’ve come to the realisation that I think that I may have some kind of feelings for Luke M.”

Shaugna said she was going to “take herself out of the race a little bit” and asked Jamie not to choose her in the recoupling.

After his chat with Shaugna, it was time for Natalia to grab Jamie for a chat.

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Standing by the firepit, Natalia wasted no time getting to the point, saying: “Have you made your mind up yet or not really?”

In response to that, Jamie said his head was “still a bit scrambled”.

Natalia said: “The past couple of days I have enjoyed speaking to you quite a bit, and at this point right now, I do like you and I would like to be in a couple with you. I just thought I’d let you know how I’m feeling.”

“That’s ballsy,” Jamie joked in response to her declaration. “I like that.”

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The episode ended with the islanders gathering by the firepit, ready to commence with the recoupling.

What does Twitter say?

With a recoupling on the horizon, Love Island fans had a few theories about how the news of the recoupling would change things.

One Twitter user theorised: “This is how I think it will go: Jamie will get to pick first and he will pick Natalia, then Luke M will have to choose between Shaughna and Demi and I think he will pick Demi. I want it to go like this: Jamie picks Demi, Luke M picks Shaughna and Natalia gets dumped.”

Another user felt that the timing of Natalia’s feelings for Jamie was quite convenient: “A recoupling is announced and suddenly Natalia likes Jamie #LoveIsland,” with a gif of someone rolling their eyes.

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“Here's what's going to happen. The producers are NOT ready to let Shaughna go, so Jamie will go first and he will pick Demi. So Luke M will have to pick Shaughna, so that she can still stay in there!!” tweeted another.

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